Article ID: 60407
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Last Modified:
When a VSA Proxy that runs on Windows Server 2008 R2 is used for a Virtual Server Agent backup, the backup might hang while trying to use a CRT setlocale call to get a localized string.
A Virtual Server Agent backup hangs when using a VSA Proxy that runs on Windows Server 2008 R2. The vsbkp.log file shows repeated messages such as "Waiting for [n] VMs to be processed."
This is a known issue for any hypervisor using a VSA proxy that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. After issuing a CRT setlocale call, the backup hangs while getting a localized string.
To resolve this issue, download and install the Windows 10 Universal CRT library on the VSA proxy. After the installation, restart the VSA proxy machine.