Article ID: 69705
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Last Modified:
If the HANA SID is mounted on the NFS mount point setup, the backup stalls.
The backup stalls, and the following lines appear in the log file:
ClHanaAgent::getHANAHosts() - sdehana01 HDB|HDB_WORKER GREEN ClHanaAgent::RunHanaSnapBackup() - hdbCmd=</usr/sap/EXH/HDB07/exe/hdbsql -t -U BACKUP -d SYSTEMDB -C "Select DATABASE_NAME from M_DATABASES"> ClHanaAgent::RunHanaSnapBackup() - numRec=[2] ClHanaAgent::runPopenCmd() - Cmd=[/usr/sap/EXH/HDB07/exe/hdbsql -t -U BACKUP -d SYSTEMDB -C "SELECT PATH,SUBPATH from M_DISKS where USAGE_TYPE='DATA'" 2>&1]
The backup stalls because the HANA SID is mounted on the NFS mount point setup.
Fix the integrity of the volume on the NFS mount point setup, and then submit a new job for IntelliSnap backup.