Text in the CommCell Console appears to be very small or to overlap

Article ID: 54214

Article Type: Troubleshooting

Last Modified:

This is an issue with the dpiAware parameter in Oracle Java and was reported in the Oracle bug database. Oracle has not released an official fix for this issue.


Text in the CommCell Console appears to be very small or to overlap.


The dpiAware parameter in the java.exe and javaw.exe files is set to "true." This setting causes text on high resolution (high DPI) screens to be sized incorrectly.


Change the dpiAware parameter in the java.exe and javaw.exe files to "false."

  1. Close all applications that use Java.
  2. Back up the java.exe and javaw.exe files.
  3. Using an executable editor, open the java.exe and javaw.exe files.
  4. Change the dpiAware parameter to false.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Log on to the CommCell Console. The text in the CommCell Console is the correct size.
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