Article ID: 54454
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Last Modified:
If you identify incorrect translations, report them by submitting feedback to your software vendor. If it is difficult to uniquely identify an incorrect translation because the string is repeated or has multiple meanings, you can enable test mode. When test mode is enabled for a language, all strings are replaced with an identifier name that uniquely identifies each string. Include the identifier name when you report translation issues.
Incorrect translations appear in the Command Center or the Web Console, and it is difficult to uniquely identify the incorrect translations.
To replace strings with an identifier name that uniquely identifies each string, enable test mode.
To enable test mode for a language other than Canadian French (fr_CA) go to software\installation\directory\AdminConsole\WEB-INF\classes\Localization, and copy the language code found in a file name. For example, files that include de in the file name, such as, are the files used for German translations. To enable test mode for German, use de as the language code.
On the command line, go to software_installation_directory\Base, and then type one of the following commands:
cvApplyLanguagePacks.exe -at [language_code] -vm instance
cvApplyLanguagePacks.exe -wt [language_code] -vm instance
Open the appropriate console, and then, in the upper-right corner of the page, switch to the language where test mode is enabled.
Go to the page with the translation issue.
Each string is replaced with an identifier name. For example, in Command Center, Server name is replaced by .
To turn off test mode, on the command line, go to software\installation\directory\Base, and then type the following command: cvApplyLanguagePacks.exe -aw -vm instance
where instance is the database instance for the Commvault software. For example, default installations use Instance001.