Article ID: 54091
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Last Modified:
VSS errors during backups.
When using Microsoft VSS and Hyper-V with Windows 2008 R2, the Job Details Status Window shows the following message:
Error Code: 19:599
Loss of control process vsbkp.exe.
Symptom 2:
The Job Details Status Window shows the following message:
Error Code: 91:9
VSS problem occurred.
Symptom 3:
The vsbkp.log file has the following entries:
CsSnapRequestor::GatherWriterStatus() - Signaling bad state returned for writer [Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer] engaged in backup.
CVSSClientShadow::CreateShadow() - Failed to create shadow.
CMSInfo::MountVM() - Failed to create shadow. hr=[0x80004005]
vsbkp::run() - Failed to create the shadow.Backup is failing.
vsbkp::HandleVMComplete() - Error backing up VM [SVCVMT01]
Scheduler Set pending cause [VSS problem occurred. Possible reasons include: VSS writers are in bad states; VSS writers are not visible.]::Client [ ] Application [vsbkp] Message Id [1526726665] RCID [0] ReservationId [0]. Level [0] flags [0] id [0] overwrite [0] append [0] CustId[0].
Another vsbkp.log file entry may be:
09/16 04:21:34 99380 CsVssAsync::WaitUntilDone() - Async status returned code = 0x80042313, Description = Unknown status.
09/16 04:21:34 99380 Entering [CVSSClientShadow::AbortShadow]
There will be a matching entry in the Operating System Event Logs:
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The I/O writers cannot be flushed during the shadow copy creation period on volume . The volume index in the shadow copy set is 0. Error Details: Open[0x8000ffff, Catastrophic failure], Flush[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.], Release[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.], OnRun[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.].
Cause 1:
Cause 2:
Cause 3:
Missing Microsoft Hot Fixes, configuration, and Commvault® Software Enhancements or Patches can contribute to the problems.
For version 9.0 review the following information:
Troubleshooting - Microsoft Hyper-V Backup
For version 8.0 of the CommServe, MediaAgents and iDataAgents must be updated with SP4 or higher. All Service Packs are cumulative from Release to Manufacture (RTM).
For additional VSS troubleshooting information, review the following articles: