MySQL restore operation fails

Article ID: 54262

Article Type: Troubleshooting

Last Modified:

A MySQL block-level restore operation fails


A MySQL restore operation fails with the following error in the MYSQLBLOCKRESTORE.log file:

61595 f09b 10/17 22:21:15 243425 MySqlBlockRetores::CreateNewMySqlServer() - pi.getString failed to get sAdvancedStartServerOptions value 61595 f09b 10/17 22:21:15 243425 MySqlBlockRetores::CreateNewMySqlServer() -  New server cmd [/usr/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/opt/commvault/MediaAgent/SnapVolumeMounts/SnapMnt_1_2_230562_14_3803/ --socket=/mysql/mysql.sock --port=0 --pid-file=/mysql/ --log-error=/mysql/mysql_243425.log --log-bin ] 29637 73c5 06/22 17:35:39 303130 MySqlBlockRetores::checkStatus() - Failed to start Auxillay server


The MySQL block-level restore job cannot connect to the computer from where you are trying to perform the restore operation.


To resolve this problem, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Linux client where you are performing the restore operation, add a host entry to the /etc/hosts file.
  2. Run the restore operation again.
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