Uninstall Old Python Versions When Upgrading CommServe Server or Metrics Reporting Server

Article ID: 67335

Article Type: Best Practices

Last Modified:

Note: This article applies only to Commvault Feature Release 11.20 through 11.28.67.

Beginning in Feature Release 11.20, Python is installed when you upgrade the CommServe server or the Metrics Reporting server. After performing an upgrade, if you have older versions of Python installed that are not being used by any other applications in your environment, you should remove those old versions.

To remove old versions of Python, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Control Panel and then select Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Assuming you have an older version A.B installed, scroll through the list of programs, and for each Python A.B package that has been installed, select it from the list and then click Remove. Note that most packages will be listed as Python A.B package_name-package_version, such as Python 2.5 numpy-1.0.4, but a few packages, such as wxPython listed as wxPython (unicode) for Python 2.5, may not follow that convention, necessitating that you search the entire program list for packages. The directory C:\PythonAB will still exist, so it is recommended that you delete that directory to avoid confusion (before deleting the directory, back up any code you have in there).
  3. Remove any shortcuts to Python A.B or IPython that may still be under the Start menu.
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