Article ID: 82836
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Last Modified:
Description: RDS RMAN backup fails as rdsadmin_rman_util_backup_database command abruptly ends after transferring few RMAN backup pieces to RDS local storage
RDS RMAN backup fails abruptly after transferring some data with below errors:
Either the local RDS storage space is not sufficient, or the backup commands are not run manually.
Verify that you have sufficient space on Amazon RDS to backup RMAN dumps. For full backup of the RMAN, you must have:
If storage is not an issue, manually run rdsadmin_rman_util_backup_database.
Verify backup commands manually using Oracle XE edition or SQL developer.
You can try running the backup script manually using a SQLPLUS command line logged into RDS as the same RDS user. An appropriate Oracle directory must be created in RDS instance up front to hold the backup files.